Corporate Wellbeing Coaching
Working with individuals, groups and teams in organisations with a focus on wellbeing and change. Example areas of focus
- wellbeing
- anxiety
- performance
- resilience
- stress management
- mindfulness in teams
- review existing programmes of work and deliver strategic plan of action for change
- use of various measures eg. wellbeing survey (MTQ48)
All of the coaching is underpinned by various tools: eg. a wellbeing survey (to measure wellbeing on an ongoing basis), psychometric tests (MTQ48) and evidence based positive psychological and coaching techniques.
Techniques are drawn from: coaching and positive psychology, neuroscience, mindfulness, energy psychology (EFT), cognitive behavioural therapy, cognitive behavioral hypnotherapy and neuro linguistic programming.
Consultancy in organizations
Providing a wealth of consultancy experience with organizations to manage change and deliver bespoke Wellbeing programmes,
for example:
- Wellbeing for individuals and teams
- Building resilience and mental toughness
- Managing stress, anxiety and depressive like symptoms
- Mindfulness for teams, review existing programmes of work and deliver plan of action for change.
Talks & Workshops
Example workshops and talks:
- Wellbeing for now and the future
- Managing your stress – rejuvenate your mind and your body
- Take control of your Anxiety today
- Mindful Living
- Creating meaning and happiness in your life – a positive psychological approach
Coaching Young People
We provide real solutions to motivate young people to live confident, fulfilling, enterprising and happy lives with compassion, gratitude, empathy, resilience and a greater curiosity for life and learning.
Our programmes are practical for young people (14-19 and beyond) to feel confident and empowered to create their life now
and in the future:
To learn and embrace the skills and strategies they need to create a healthy, successful and balanced life
To help support their lifelong journey of change they can learn to be in control of their lives including their thoughts, feelings and actions
Education Performance Coaching
What is the Education Performance Coaching Package?
Through my Education Performance Coaching Packages and the simple steps I have developed enables students from school aged children beyond university to professionals to:
- Build resilience to stress
- Think more positively
- Be more confident
- Perform at their best when it matters most
- Be calm, relaxed and take control