“Unlock a person’s potential to maximise their own performance”
How can I help you?
We provide real solutions to motivate young people to live confident, fulfilling, enterprising and happy lives with compassion, kindness, gratitude, empathy, wellbeing, resilience, and a greater curiosity for life learning and connection.
Our programmes are practical for young people (14-19 and beyond) to feel confident, empowered to create the life they want now and in the future
- To learn and embrace the skills and strategies they need to create a healthy, successful and balanced life
- To help support their lifelong journey of change they can learn to be in control of their lives including their wellbeing, thoughts, feelings, and actions
It helps to:
Improve wellbeing, social emotional learning, resilience and confidence
Harness their potential and show them that their goals are unlimited
They can create their wonderful life now and in the future
We do this by totally believing in young people and their impact
Through the programme, young people will move to greater:
- Purpose – achieve a sense of direction, focus and application in their life and their learning and development
- Confidence – understanding the importance of knowing who they are their strengths, increasing their confidence, self-esteem and self worth
- Resilience – discovering and learning flexible ways to adapt to change
- Energy and Passion – to learn more and keep learning whilst also understanding what can and does provide energy, fulfilment, and wellbeing
- Development – realisation of the importance of developing the right attitude and approach to their life,
- to others and society
- Relationships – understanding the importance of of community and developing connections
- Emotional Intelligence – understanding how our thoughts and feelings impact our behaviour
How can I help you?
- Focus on individual wellbeing now and in the future
- Achieve more than they could by themselves or within current more formalised settings
- Create space and time to focus on their issues, blockages, challenges and to then focus on their own solutions
- Build on their individual strengths to provide a forward-focussed approach and action plan
- Improve individual performance and increase confidence levels
- Encourage students to set more ambitious goals
- Build mental toughness and increase resilience
- Increase awareness, expectations and a growth mindset
- Provide powerful tools for managing stress and life together with an individual toolkit
How is the programme delivered, let me explain:
- One to One – in a learning environment or with young people directly
- Groups – of young people to suit individual needs.
- Curriculum – embedded at any age
- Training – learning professionals including teachers could develop core coaching skills to enable them to deliver the programmes as part of their various individual learning programmes
The Tools can include:
Tools to recognise their existing strengths
- PERMAH (Wellbeing) MTQ 48 (resilience) and Carrus (careers)
- GROW Model – to focus (Goal, Reality, Options, Way Forward)
- The programme is underpinned by positive psychological tools (coaching, mindfulness, cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy and therapy, energy psychology (EFT), neuroscience and (NLP))
- To provide a toolkit for their wellbeing, learning and development now and in the future